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Atlanta Bride’s Guide to Pre-wedding Skin Care

June 29, 2011 | Blog, Latisse, Other, Skin Care, Wedding Skin Care

Summertime is also known as wedding season here in Atlanta. Since there are so many things that a bride-to-be has to consider before the wedding of her dreams, we’ve devised the Atlanta bride’s guide to pre-wedding skin care to remove at least one thing from that never-ending list. Whether it’s wrinkles, unwanted hair, uneven complexion, or eyelashes that won’t cooperate, we’ve got something for you at our Phipps Plaza, Northside, and Alpharetta locations. It’s important, however, to be mindful of the recovery time associated with certain skin treatments and allow yourself plenty of time for your skin to improve before your big day.

After years of wanting the darkest suntan during adolescence and the acne breakouts that come with that age, many brides are simply searching for a skin treatment to even out their uneven complexion. Microdermabrasion exfoliates surface imperfections from the face, neck, chest, and hands to reveal the even skin underneath.  Aside from improving hyperpigmentation, mild scars, and sun damage, microdermabrasion also reduces fine lines and stimulates collagen production. Microdermabrasion should be scheduled at least a week prior to the wedding to allow plenty of time for any flushing to subside.

Chemical peels are also great pre-wedding treatments to even complexion. Customized chemical solutions are applied to the skin’s surface that cause the skin to peel and regenerate to reduce blemishes, fine lines, sun damage, and even acne. Some chemical peels induce very mild peeling that only lasts a couple of days, while other chemical peels can produce peeling that lasts for up to a week, so be sure to allow plenty of recovery time before the big day. Although just one chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment can invigorate the complexion, multiple treatment sessions spaced over a period of time will optimize results.

Unwanted hair can be both frustrating and embarrassing. Laser hair removal is a perfect pre-wedding treatment for both men and women to remove unwanted hair from the face, legs, arms, back, underarms, chest, and bikini area. Multiple treatments are required for removal, so it’s important to schedule ahead of time to ensure the best results. Our licensed estheticians typically recommend six to eight sessions spaced six weeks apart for complete hair removal.

While microdermabrasion and chemical peels reduce fine lines and surface wrinkles, deeper wrinkles require more attention. Our eMax™ system boosts collagen production by heating up dermal layers to minimize wrinkles with no downtime. Cosmetic injectables are also great for pre-wedding wrinkle reduction. Botox® works to relax the muscles that cause wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes for up to four months. Facial fillers such as Juvéderm® and Radiesse® work to plump up areas of lost volume such as the lips or cheeks for six months to a year. Full results may take up to a week to fully develop, so be sure to schedule your appointment in plenty of time prior to the big day. Sculptra® aesthetic works similarly to facial fillers, but it actually stimulates the body’s natural collagen production.  Facial rejuvenation with Sculptra® initially requires a series of three treatments and full results can take three to six months to appear, but results last up to two years.

The eyes are the center of attention on the face, and since a bride is the center of attention on her wedding day, the eyes have to look fabulous. Although makeup can improve the appearance of the eyes, we offer Tattoo Procedure Makeup services, as well as products like Latisse® to enhance what makeup alone cannot.

These pre-wedding treatments are not limited to brides, as many men also enjoy such treatments. If you are unsure which treatment will best meet your needs, feel free to schedule a complimentary skin analysis during which a licensed esthetician will evaluate your skin and recommend a treatment plan. For more information on the services we offer, visit our website. Be sure to find us on Facebook and Twitter for skin care news and updates.