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AYA Spotlight Treatment of the Month: Sciton® Laser Resurfacing

May 17, 2018 | Blog

Nonsurgical Laser TreatmentsWelcome back to our ongoing Treatment of the Month series. This month, we will be focusing on some of our most consistently in-demand cosmetic services: Sciton® Laser Resurfacing treatments. Cosmetic laser treatments from Sciton® can have outstanding effects for patients who wish to treat several of the most common skin care concerns that result from overexposure to the sun or natural aging. While they have a strong reputation for treating the appearance of the face, Sciton® Laser Treatments can help improve the complexion of areas on the body as well. Keep reading for more info on our variety of available Sciton® Laser Resurfacing treatments and the many benefits that they can provide.

What makes Sciton® Laser Resurfacing at AYA so special?

At AYA, we offer a number of the most highly-regarded and advanced cosmetic laser treatments on the market including Sciton® BBL, Halo, and MicroLaserPeel. Sciton® BroadBand Light (BBL) uses light-based laser technology to gently and precisely improve the quality of skin by stimulating natural collagen production. BBL treatments can be used to remove acne, vascular lesions, and unwanted hair from the skin, while treating uneven skin texture and skin discoloration. Halo Laser Resurfacing is considered the world’s first and only tunable hybrid fractional laser. By combining ablative and non-ablative laser technology, Halo treatments can help reduce almost any skin condition including sun damage, age spots, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, vascular conditions, and more. MicroLaserPeel uses an Erbium laser to deliver light energy that targets the upper layers of the skin. The top layer of damaged skin cells is then gently removed. As the skin heals, new cells resurface and surface-level irregularities like fine lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and more will be significantly reduced.

Will I require multiple treatments to achieve the best-possible results?

Results will be visible once the skin fully heals from your treatment (this can take 3 to 7 days). In some cases, only one treatment will be needed. However, depending on the patient’s needs, sometimes multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve the best long-term results. If additional treatments are necessary, they should be spaced 4 to 8 weeks apart.

How are Sciton® Laser Resurfacing treatments at AYA different than other medical spas?

AYA Medical Spa is an active member of The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), the utmost authority on cosmetic laser technology. We pride ourselves on offering the most up-to-date laser technology available today in order to provide everyone we see with the best-possible treatment experience. Laser treatments at AYA can be customized based on the skin tone and type of each patient we work with.

Our patients are typically thrilled with the outstanding results that they are able to achieve with cosmetic laser treatments at AYA. If you are curious about how cosmetic laser treatments at AYA can help improve your skin, don’t hesitate to contact AYA Medical Spa or stop into any of our three locations (Avalon, Phipps Plaza, Northside) today for a complimentary skincare analysis appointment. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ for more skincare tips, photos, news, and more.