History of Hair Removal
The temperatures are definitely heating up here in Georgia and if the 90-degree weather doesn’t have you racing to the nearest pool, you’re a much braver
Read ArticleThe temperatures are definitely heating up here in Georgia and if the 90-degree weather doesn’t have you racing to the nearest pool, you’re a much braver
Read ArticleHow many times have you seen a new skincare product on television that swears it’s the next secret product containing the “fountain of youth?”
Read ArticleIf you were to take a poll of how many of us have scars from one event or another, there’d probably be very few people who had never had one in their lifetime
Read ArticleIn the words of Mark Twain, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” This just happens to be one of the mantras the AYA™ Medical Spa team likes
Read ArticleEvery year we always get excited when official numbers come out about the most popular surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments performed in the
Read ArticleAt AYA™ Medical Spa we hand select the most advanced and effective technology systems to treat a wide range of skin conditions from unwanted hair and
Read ArticleRarely is there a time when you hear the word “chemical” and think, “yeah, that sounds awesome, sign me up!” In the case of chemical peels, this is exactly
Read ArticleSpring is so close we can almost taste it! As we start to shed our winter layers and get ready to soak up all the beauty that comes with the season, many of us are prepping...
Read ArticleAt AYA™ Medical Spa we are all about that skin! Our quest to provide our Atlanta anti-aging patients with the best skincare products on the market encouraged
Read ArticleTaking care of your skin shouldn’t solely be reserved for the face: complete skincare happens from the tops of our heads down to the bottoms of our feet.
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