Facial rejuvenation is one of our true cornerstones here at AYA™ Medical Spa. We have always believed that a rejuvenated, youthful appearance starts with your face. With that in mind, we have taken the time to answer a few of your questions below about some of the exciting rejuvenating treatments for the face available at AYA™ including Chemical Peels, Sciton® Laser Treatments and Customized Facials.
Dear #AYA,
I am very interested in a chemical peel, but don’t have much time for recovery due to my busy schedule. How long do I have to wait after my peel to begin applying makeup again?
Pressed for Time
Dear Pressed for Time,
How long before you can safely apply makeup after a chemical peel depends on which type of chemical peel you choose. The strength of a chemical peel does vary, meaning the skin will peel to varying degrees, and stronger peels require additional time for the skin to fully recover. Additionally, it’s important to keep the facial skin clean while the skin recovers to avoid skin irritation and other potential complications. The full recovery time from a chemical peel can range from 1 to 7 days.
Dear #AYA,
I’m having issues deciding which laser treatment to get. I want to remove some acne scarring, and also some wrinkles and sun spots. Can I combine different Sciton® laser treatments into one treatment session?
Doubling Up
Dear Doubling Up,
As a matter of fact, Sciton® laser treatments like Halo™ and BBL™ are some of the advanced laser treatments on the market today. Both Halo™ and BBL™ can easily be combined into a single treatment session. The two treatments complement each other perfectly. Halo™ laser treatments can improve the tone and texture of your skin which will provide relief from the wrinkles and sun damage, while the BBL™ is able to clean up any acne and additional facial redness. Combining these treatments allows patients to easily achieve dramatic improvement in photo-aging, damage and discoloration thanks to an increase in natural collagen production.
Dear #AYA
I’ve just gotten Botox® injections for my crow’s feet. I would like to treat myself to a facial, but wasn’t sure if this was safe so soon after my Botox® treatments. What do you think?
Willing to Wait
Dear Willing to Wait,
Typically, we recommend patients wait around 24 hours after receiving Botox® Cosmetic injections before undergoing a facial. It’s crucial that you allow the necessary time for your injectable treatment to take its full effect without any interference. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure any potential tenderness or bruising from your injections has gone away before your facial.
Thanks to everyone for writing in. We’re always happy to provide skincare tips and advice to our patients when we can. For a more hands-on experience, AYA™ offers all our patients a complimentary skincare analysis to help determine which cosmetic treatments will most help them achieve the revitalized appearance they desire. To schedule your complimentary skincare analysis today, contact AYA™ Medical Spa today. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for more tips, specials and updates.