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Dear #AYA: How to Avoid Spooky Skin Imperfections

October 26, 2017 | Blog

Dear #AYA How to Avoid Spooky Skin ImperfectionsWelcome back to another entry in our ongoing Dear #AYA series. Keeping your skin healthy, hydrated, and looking great can be a frightening proposition. Wrinkles, sun damage, and other visible signs of aging can turn young-looking skin into something downright scary. But it doesn’t have to be if you have the right guidance and skincare routine. That’s why the skincare experts here at AYA have stopped by to answer some questions and recommend some of our signature cosmetic services to help fight off any spooky skin damage you may experience.

Dear #AYA,

I am intrigued by cosmetic laser treatments, but can’t decide which one to undergo. Is it possible to combine laser treatments?

Feeling Indecisive

Dear Feeling Indecisive,

It’s not only possible to combine Sciton® Laser Treatments like BroadBand Light (BBL) and Halo, in many cases, it is recommended. BBL and Halo complement each other very well by addressing different skin concerns. While BBL can help treat sun damaged skin, skin discoloration, vascular lesions, and more, Halo works by stimulating collagen production in order to improve the texture of the skin. Halo treatments can also clear more stubborn areas of pigmentation (like melasma) that BBL may not be able to remove. Both treatments are safe for most skin types and can be conveniently combined into the same treatment session.

Dear #AYA,

I am interested in skin tightening treatments, and after doing some research, I am leaning towards Ultherapy® due to its proven results. Will I need much time to recover after my treatment?

No Time to Lose

Dear No Time to Lose,

In addition to providing excellent skin tightening results, Ultherapy® does not require any downtime for recovery. In fact, most patients return to their daily routines immediately following their treatment. While you may experience some slight skin irritation immediately after your treatment session, these effects are generally very mild and temporary.

Dear #AYA,

Do you offer any especially gentle chemical peels for someone like me with more sensitive facial skin?

Handle with Care

Dear Handle with Care,

You are in luck. The Vitalize Peel® from SkinMedica® is among the most gentle chemical peels on the market today. This alphahydroxy acid- based peel is perfect for patients who want to treat more mild or moderate facial imperfections like wrinkles, lines, or uneven skin texture. The Vitalize Peel® can also help reduce the appearance of acne, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, melasma, and other issues. Treatments only take between 20 – 30 minutes and recovery time is extremely minimal (typically just a few days).

Dry, unhealthy skin can be tough to deal with, but our licensed providers have the experience and knowhow to help treat any skin type. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ for more skincare tips, special offers and updates. If you would like to experience our skincare expertise firsthand, please come into any of our three AYA locations (Avalon, Phipps Plaza, Northside) for a complimentary skincare analysis. For more information please contact AYA Medical Spa today.