With new cosmetic technologies introduced each day, it is important for patients to ensure the equipment has been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). At AYA Medical Spa, we’re proud to offer advanced skincare treatments with the latest technology. Ultherapy® skin tightening system received FDA approval in September 2009 for use on the face. In October 2012, Ulthera® received an additional FDA clearance to safely treat lax skin under the chin and on the neck. Ulthera® is the only FDA approved, non-invasive treatment for skin tightening.
To address sagging skin that contributes to a double chin, Ulthera® generates heat energy through ultrasound technology for skin rejuvenation. By heating areas of the face and neck, the ultrasound waves promote collagen production by penetrating deeper layers of tissue. Like other technologies such as CoolSculpting® or FotoFacial RF®, this treatment is non-invasive, so there is minimal downtime and results are visible after just one treatment. Depending on each patient’s goals, some patients may elect multiple treatments.
FDA clearance and approvals are especially important on medical devices to ensure patient safety. Clearances are granted for medical devices that are similar to existing products and devices already deemed safe through previous testing. Approvals apply to new products and devices that require inspection and testing. Items go through rigorous study since medical devices are only approved if they improve one’s health.
AYA Medical Spa is owned and operated by the highly skilled surgeons of Atlanta Plastic Surgery, P.C. Our Medical Director, board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. James Namnoum, oversees AYA’s adoption of new skincare technology. Only proven, medical-grade technologies developed through extensive research are considered for AYA’s patients. Before offering new services to patients, our licensed providers also complete rigorous training to ensure safety and proper procedure.
If you are interested in Ultherapy® or other rejuvenation technologies, be sure to contact us today to schedule a skin analysis. Don’t forget to also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest for the latest updates on skincare.