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I Have Been More Than Satisfied

December 11, 2014 | Testimonials

“A dermatologist in Chicago diagnosed roasacea in the area of my chin in 1999. He prescribed antibiotics and metrogel. I used up the prescription and didn’t fee the need to continue – my skin seemed to settle down. However, when we moved to the south, I found the condition was worsening. I noticed more redness along my cheeks and nose and more flushing. A dermatologist again prescribed antibiotics and metrogel, but I was skeptical since I experienced the rosacea getting worse. It happened that the day after my appointment with the dermatologist, I got a call from an esthetician at AYA. She described the FotoFacial RF series and we talked about what it could do for people with Rosacea. I decided to try it.

I started with the IS Clinical products to prepare my skin, then the glycolic peel followed by the FotoFacial. The series does require a time commitment, but I noticed results immediately. My skin tone was improved, the pores were smaller and the redness and flushing were greatly reduced. I don’t have to worry about Rosacea anymore – I feel it is under control. People who see me regularly comment on how nice my skin looks. I have been more than satisfied with the service and the advice I’ve received and I recommend the FotoFacial series with the utmost confidence.”

– Megan Blackburn