An important part of the body’s circulatory system, veins carry blood back to the heart. However, spider veins (branch-like vein formations that appear
just beneath the skin’s surface in areas like the face and legs) are not vital to the circulatory system. Not only are these pesky veins unsightly, but they also do not function normally. Therefore, they can be treated without harming the body. Although there are numerous possible causes of spider veins, researchers are not able to pinpoint their direct cause. As a result, spider vein prevention methods are debatable; however, treatment methods are not.
Some commonly cited causes of spider veins are age, gender, pregnancy, lifestyle, rosacea, environmental effects, or even trauma to the vein. At AYA™ Medical Spa, we treat spider veins on the face and legs with our eMax™ system with elōs™ technology, which combines the use of a laser with radiofrequency technology to destroy the unsightly vein without harming the surrounding tissue. Similar to the way hair removal lasers are attracted to the pigment within hair, our eMax™ with elōs™ system is drawn to the color within the vein. Once the technology breaks up the vein, it is absorbed by the immune system.
Although some patients report redness in the treatment area for a short time following the procedure, many patients do not have any side effects. Furthermore, spider vein reduction does not require downtime. Patients are often worried about comfort during the procedure, but our system uses low energy levels and even has a cooling applicator built in to maximize patient comfort. Although improvement can be seen in one treatment, some patients require up to three for complete results. Like other laser treatments, each session should be spaced six to eight weeks apart. During a consultation, our licensed estheticians are able to estimate how many treatments a patient will need.
If you have read our blogs about laser procedures being best reserved for cooler months, spider vein reduction is no exception. Although our technology uses a mix of laser energy with radiofrequency, laser procedure aftercare instructions like avoiding sun exposure and wearing SPF 30 sunscreen as well as protective clothing should be followed to avoid skin damage like hyperpigmentation. However, it is not too late to reduce the appearance of spider veins before the summer is here.
If you’re interested in treatment for your pesky spider veins, contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn about your vein reduction treatment options. Don’t forget we offer a variety of other skin care services and skin care products to provide you with a healthy skin experience. Be sure to visit our specials page to take advantage of some great deals, and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter if you haven’t already for news and updates.