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Tips for Your Nighttime Skincare Routine

January 11, 2017 | Blog

Tips for Your Nighttime Skincare RoutineMaintaining great skin can be an all-day and night commitment. Though many people prioritize a morning skincare routine in order to look their best all through the day, what you do at night could truly determine the success of your skincare effort. According to a recent study conducted at the University of California-Irvine, skin cells actually grow faster while we sleep, which makes a good before bed facial regimen even more important.

Once you leave our medical spa after your microdermabrasion, chemical peel or Sciton® laser treatment, your work is far from done. Getting plenty of sleep is the first step towards effective nighttime skin maintenance, though sleep alone can only go so far. The skincare experts at AYA Medical Spa have put our heads together to come up with a few tips and recommended skincare products that can help get your nighttime skincare routine on-track.

Cleanse Thoroughly

Thoroughly washing your face to completely remove your makeup, as well as any dirt or oil that accumulates on the face throughout your day is essential. We recommend using a cleansing brush along with a gentle face cleanser like the EltaMD® Foaming Cleanser in lukewarm water to achieve the best results from cleansing.

Try a Soothing Mask

A facial mask can serve many purposes, from cleaning your pores to smoothing out blemishes like fine lines and wrinkles. Masks help by effectively opening the pores and allowing active ingredients to be more easily absorbed into the skin. Skincare products like Revision® Skincare Black Mask that uses two types of clay, Kaolin & Bentonite, can unclog your pores and increase cell turnover to help smooth the skin by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Moisturize Well Before Bed

It’s a medical fact that your skin is drier at night than it is at the start of the day. With this in mind, moisturizing at night is of the utmost importance. Unlike daytime moisturizers that are lighter in consistency and may contain sunscreen, heavier nighttime moisturizers like Auspect Hydrate Plus contains antioxidants, peptides and vitamins that help replenish the skin after a long day.

So remember, finding the right skincare products and getting plenty of rest are crucial steps in the path to a successful nighttime skincare plan. If you need additional assistance or recommendations about the best products for your skin type, come into any AYA location (Avalon, Phipps Plaza, Northside) for a complimentary skincare analysis. Contact AYA Medical Spa today to schedule your skincare analysis today. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for more news and updates.