At AYA™ Medical Spa, we understand the delicate nature of the facial structure. While aging is inevitable, the signs of aging don’t have to be. That’s why we offer a wide selection of Facial Filler treatments from top brands like Juvéderm®, Sculptra® Aesthetic, and Restylane® at our Atlanta area and Dallas, Texas locations.
A Facial Filler treatment at AYA™ can be an amazing way to fill in areas of lost volume and minimize the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging that appear on the lower portion of a person’s face. This can include the lips, cheeks, marionette lines, and more. The skilled cosmetic injectors at AYA™ understand that every person’s facial structure is different and Facial Filler treatments must be customized to the needs of each patient we see.
In addition to our traditional customized techniques, we also perform Facial Filler injections using AQUAGOLD® fine touch™. AQUAGOLD® fine touch™, the world’s only microchannel mesotherapy device, is a unique applicator method that helps direct small droplets of facial fillers directly into the patient’s skin using surgical grade stainless steel microchannels (each thinner than a human hair).

Facial Filler Treatments at AYA™ Medical Spa include:
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