In the world of skincare products, certain ingredients are well-known for their outstanding anti-aging benefits. You’re probably aware of the power of ingredients like retinol, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants like vitamin C. Peptides may not be a household name to skincare lovers just yet, but maybe they should be. Many people may not realize how many skincare products use peptides to help soothe, repair, and hydrate the skin.
Our skincare experts are happy to take some time to explain peptides, how they work, and why they’re so great for your skin.
Let us begin by properly explaining exactly what peptides are. Amino acids are the building blocks that make up the proteins in our body. Peptides are strings of amino acids that serve as the foundation for new collagen, as well as much-needed elastin fibers that contribute to skin firmness and elasticity. There are peptides in every human cell. Peptides contribute to the skin’s overall structure as well as critical factors like firmness, texture, and appearance.
When used as an ingredient in skincare products, peptides act as a type of messenger for our skin. Simply put, peptides help send a signal to our bodies to produce more collagen. This increase in natural collagen production can help reduce wrinkles, lines, and other common signs of aging. Different kinds of peptides can boast their own unique skin-enhancing benefits. For example, carrier peptides help boost collagen by delivering minerals to the skin. Neurotransmitter peptides smooth wrinkles by blocking the release of chemicals that cause muscle contractions of expression lines.
Many skincare products claim to contain peptides, but we recommend choosing products from recommended brands that use science to back up the results they claim to provide. Revision® Skincare D·E·J Face Cream™ is a rejuvenating facial treatment that utilizes peptides to provide a smoother, younger-looking facial appearance. Revision® Skincare D·E·J Eye Cream™ provides intense moisturization to help patients achieve smoother, healthier skin around their eyes.
Since different products contain different peptides that can provide different benefits to your skin, we encourage you to schedule a complimentary skincare analysis appointment with our cosmetic experts to determine the products that will best help you achieve your unique skin goals. For more information, contact AYA™ Medical Spa today. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for additional cosmetic tips, news, recommendations, and updates.