Although the summer may soon be coming to an end, there is no such thing as a bad time to look and feel your very best. Due to its incredible ability to help remove stubborn, unwanted fat from areas all over the body, there’s no wonder why CoolSculpting® Non-Surgical Fat Reduction is perhaps our most in-demand cosmetic treatment. To help properly explain this outstanding treatment
and how it can help our patients, the skincare experts here at AYA™ wanted to take some time to answer a few common questions CoolSculpting®.
Question #1: How can I know if I would be better off with CoolSculpting® or surgical liposuction?
Choosing between CoolSculpting® non-surgical fat reduction and liposuction surgery depends entirely on each patient’s specific preferences and needs. Many patients prefer CoolSculpting® to avoid surgery and the associated recovery period. While liposuction can reduce fat in any area of the body, CoolSculpting® is designed to specifically help patients who want to address small pockets of excess fat in specific areas like the flanks, abdomen, arms, back, or under the chin.
Question #2: Is CoolSculpting® non-surgical fat reduction only intended to treat female patients?
Absolutely not. CoolSculpting® treatments is just as helpful to male patients as it is for women. Men are just as susceptible to stubborn, exercise-resistant fat as women are. CoolSculpting® can help guys trim their physique without needing to miss any time at work to recover.
Question #3: Is there a risk that CoolSculpting® non-surgical fat reduction will freeze or damage my skin during treatment?
There is not. While it’s true that CoolSculpting® uses very cold temperatures to freeze and damage fat cells, there is no risk of skin damage. Fat cells freeze at around 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Since this is higher than the freezing point of water or blood, other cells (including skin cells) are perfectly safe from damage during treatments. Our experienced staff of cosmetic providers are fully trained to offer all of our patients the safest and most satisfactory CoolSculpting® experience possible.
We are proud to be a leading provider of CoolSculpting® non-surgical fat reduction. For more information or to schedule a CoolSculpting® treatment today, please contact AYA™ Medical Spa or stop into one of our locations for a complimentary skincare analysis appointment. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for additional skincare tips, photos, updates, and more.