Welcome back to the latest installment in our Dear #AYA series, where we answer questions about the award-winning cosmetic treatments and services
we provide. Facial rejuvenation treatments are one of our true cornerstones here at AYA™ Medical Spa. For many people, the path to a rejuvenated, more youthful appearance starts with the face. But with so many excellent facial treatments available, it can be hard to know which one is the best fit for your unique needs. That’s why our skincare experts were happy to take some time to answer a few common questions about some of our most beloved cosmetic treatments for the face.
Dear #AYA,
How does a PRP Facelift differ from traditional facelift surgery?
Sounds Spooky
Dear Sounds Spooky,
A PRP Facelift at AYA™ can provide our patients with an amazing lifting effect without the costs, hassles, and recovery time associated with facelift surgery. This is why it is commonly referred to as a “non-surgical facelift”. The PRP Facelift combines a facial filler injection with the body’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to safely rejuvenate the face by reducing wrinkles and fine lines, restoring volume, and improving the quality of the facial skin. The results can last up to 18 months for many patients.
Dear #AYA,
I think a chemical peel might be perfect for my skin, but I’m not sure I can fit it into my schedule. How much recovery time will I need after a chemical peel?
Time is of the Essence
Dear Time is of the Essence,
The amount of recovery needed after a chemical peel depends on the type of chemical peel you need and choose. Chemical peels at AYA™ vary in strength. Some stronger peels may require additional time for the skin to fully recover. Generally speaking, it can take between 1 to 7 days to fully recover following a chemical peel. It’s important to keep your facial skin clean during recovery to avoid skin irritation and other potential issues.
Dear #AYA
I’m having a hard time choosing between cosmetic laser treatments and think I may be a candidate for more than one. Is it possible to combine multiple laser treatments into one session?
Just Thought I’d Ask
Dear Just Thought I’d Ask,
You’re in luck. Combining Sciton® Laser Treatments like BroadBand Light™ (BBL) and Halo™, is not only possible, but recommended in many cases. BBL™ and Halo™ can complement each other perfectly due to their ability to address different skin imperfections. BBL™ can effectively treat sun damaged skin, skin discoloration, vascular lesions, and more, while Halo™ works to stimulate collagen production and improve the overall texture of the skin. When performed at AYA™ both treatments are safe for most skin types and can be conveniently combined into one treatment session.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a question. We hope you found these answers helpful. If you have a question of your own regarding skincare or any of the treatments or services we provide, we invite you to come into one of our locations for a complimentary skincare analysis appointment. During your appointment, we will analyze your skin type to help determine which cosmetic treatments will be most helpful for your aesthetic needs. For more information or to schedule your skincare analysis today, contact AYA™ Medical Spa. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more tips, photos, and updates.