Deciding whether a cosmetic treatment is right for you can be tricky. Reading up on a treatment and how it is performed is one thing, but seeing the treatment performed by one of AYA™ Medical Spa’s master injectors is something else entirely.
Here at AYA™ we understand that showing is better than telling. That’s why we’ve decided to share patient demonstration videos for two of our most popular cosmetic treatments: Kybella® fat reduction and Restylane®. Our hope is that seeing these treatments performed first-hand may ease anxieties and answer any questions you may have about the treatment process.
Let’s begin with Kybella® nonsurgical fat reduction. Kybella® fat reduction is FDA-approved to reduce double chin and the submental fat below the chin. Kybella® treatments are revered for the long-lasting results they provide. Similar to liposuction, fat reduction from Kybella® can be long-lasting if the patient’s weight remains stable after treatment. However, unlike lipo, Kybella® has the added advantage of providing excellent results while not requiring any downtime for recovery. Check out the video below to see how simple Kybella® fat reduction treatments can be:
Restylane® injections provide subtle, but significant results for patients who experience signs of aging under their eyes. Restylane® uses hyaluronic acid to specifically address the tear troughs and keep facial skin smooth and vital. Patients who use Restylane® can see results that last for over a year following treatment.
If you found these videos helpful, we recommend staying tuned to our YouTube channel for additional video updates. We’ll be posting more and more video demonstrations in the upcoming weeks for a variety of our most in-demand products and treatments. We also invite you to come in to any of our three Alpharetta and Atlanta area locations (Avalon, Phipps Plaza, Northside) to schedule a complimentary skincare analysis today. Our master injectors and trained estheticians will work with you and help determine which skincare treatments will provide you with the best possible results. Contact AYA™ for more information.