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BOTOX® 101: What You Need to Know

October 27, 2014 | Blog, Botox and Juvederm Injectables, Facial Rejuvenation, Other, Skin Care

As reported in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) 2013 statistics, botulinum toxin A, otherwise known as BOTOX® Cosmetic ranked as the number one non-surgical procedure with 6,321,160 treatments performed that year alone. Botulinum toxin A is an anti-aging substance that temporarily treats frown lines, fine lines, and other facial wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle activity. At AYA™ Medical Spa, our expert cosmetic injectors offer a variety of injectables and facial fillers to address your aesthetic needs.

BOTOX® is FDA approved, and very safe and effective to treat numerous areas of the face. Botulinum toxin A is a protein and neurotoxin used to relax facial muscles on the upper third of the face. Over time, repeated facial expressions and aging cause wrinkles, crow’s feet, and lines to form on the forehead, brow, and eye area. By relaxing these muscles, patients benefit from a smoother, more youthful appearance. Also known as a “lunch-hour procedure” because it takes very little time to perform, our cosmetic injectors administer BOTOX® through a short, 30-minute appointment. Discomfort is minimal and brief; however, your licensed provider may choose to use ice to minimize pain. Once the injections are complete, there is usually no discomfort. Patients typically see visible wrinkle reduction within the first few days of their initial treatment, however full results can take up to 14 days. BOTOX® injections typically last between three to ten months depending on the individual patient.

While BOTOX® may address the signs of aging; it does not stop the aging process. If you have extensive, deep wrinkling between the eyes you may require increased injections of BOTOX® which can also be combined with other cosmetic treatments like a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to enhance facial rejuvenation results.

It is essential to discuss your areas of concern and aesthetic goals with one of our cosmetic injectors to determine which treatment will best meet your needs. To schedule your skin analysis, contact us today and be sure to follow AYA™ Medical Spa on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest for the latest updates.