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Debunking Common Skincare Myths

January 30, 2017 | Blog

Debunking Common Skincare MythsWhen it comes to how to best take care of your skin, there is a lot of information to sift through. There is plenty of conflicting opinions available, especially online. Practicing some of these skincare techniques can prove helpful, while others may not help at all or can even damage the condition of your skin. It’s important to verify the source of your information in order to find the advice that will actually pay dividends when it comes to achieving healthier, younger-looking skin. Additionally, it helps to know what type of skin you have and that starts with a skincare analysis from one of the professional estheticians at AYA.

To help our patients weed out some of the techniques or skincare routines to avoid, the experts at AYA Medical Spa have taken the time to debunk some of the more common skincare myths that consistently find their way online.

Myth #1: I Don’t Need to Wear Sunscreen on a Cloudy Day

This one has been debunked for years, but it still bears repeating. Up to 80% of the sun’s harmful UV rays can pass through clouds, meaning cloudy days can be just as potentially tough on your skin if you do not protect it, even if the damage is not immediately noticeable. We recommend wearing a sunscreen that provides broad-spectrum protection with SPF 30 or greater like EltaMD® UV Lotion SPF 30+.

Myth #2: Popping Pimples is Good for Your Skin

While it may certainly feel good, picking at inflamed breakouts can actually do harm to your skin. Once popped, your pimple can lead to new blemishes due to the spread of bacteria elsewhere on the face, inside and out. Additionally, popping pimples can cause scarring and can delay the skin’s natural healing process. We recommend treating blemishes with the correct medicines and a concealer and leaving the extractions to the experts.

Myth #3: Move on Quickly if Your Skincare Regimen isn’t Working

Sometimes it pays to be patient. If you’ve recently begun a new skincare regimen and haven’t noticed immediate results, there’s no need to rush out and seek out an alternative. Instead, we recommend sticking with a regimen, at least for a month or so to getter a better idea of what works for your skin and what may not. With that said, you should contact your AYA skincare provider immediately if you are having any kind of negative reaction to your current regimen.

Before deciding on your skincare routine, it’s important to remember that everyone’s skin is different. While we certainly think there is great value in bringing attention to common skincare myths, it’s hard to say with certainty exactly how a specific patient’s skin will react to a certain skincare product or regimen. That’s why we encourage all of our patients to come into any of our 3 Alpharetta and Atlanta area locations (Avalon, Phipps Plaza, Northside) for a complimentary skincare analysis. To schedule your skincare analysis, please contact AYA Medical Spa today. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for more news and updates.