In the war against aging skin, we’ve all probably been fooled by more clever marketing ploys for anti-aging paraphernalia than we’d like to admit. It is a little humorous, however, to look back on the laughable infomercials for so-called “miracle” inventions.
Unfortunately, most of us that fall for the attractive price tag and promising results are left (usually) disappointed and looking the exact same age we started. The good news is that there really are some relatively simple, and very effective, skin treatments that can make you look younger without making you look, well, silly. AYA Medical Spa offers medical grade, cosmetic skin treatments including dermal injectables, Foto Facial treatments, and microdermabrasion to keep your face young looking.
AYA’s nurse practitioner is experienced in injecting Botox® to relax fine lines around the eyes and forehead. Sculptra™ can be used to plump areas of lost collagen over two to three visits. Sculptra™ results usually remain visible for up to two years. Juvederm® is a dermal filler (with a thicker, gel-like consistency) which can be used to increase the volume around the mouth, lips, and cheeks that is typically lost with maturing age. The rejuvenating effects of dermal injections are noticeable but must be repeated every year because of the materials’ synthetic nature. Another minimally invasive treatment for facial rejuvenation is Latisse™. With daily application of Latisse™, patients can grow longer, thicker, fuller eyelashes.
IPL Photofacial & Phototherapy Treatments uses the power of IPL (intense pulsed light) and radio frequency to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production beneath the skin’s surface. Increased collagen restores the skin’s youthful elasticity as well as tightening the appearance of sagging areas. IPL Photofacial & Phototherapy Treatments skin treatment is also an effective way to reduce the appearance of small, unwanted facial veins and capillaries. Like the laser technology used in laser hair removal, the laser of the Sciton Laser system is attracted to pigment within the skin. The Sciton Laser laser uses short, directed pulses of light to remove the blemishes’ pigment and reduce its appearance.
Watching many of the infomercials for anti-aging “miracles” we spoke of before, it’s easy to begin believing that one product (available to you for a low price plus shipping and handling) can get rid of your skin issues. Sometimes, though, it’s not about what you’re putting on your skin, but what you’re removing. AYA’s microdermabrasion treatments use fine crystals to strategically exfoliate the skin and remove layers of dead, dull skin cells. Because the skin cell growth/ shedding cycle begins to slow as you age, the skin can start to hold onto the pore-clogging, dead material and result in a dull complexion.
With over a decade of experience serving Atlanta’s cosmetic skin care needs, AYA Medical Spa realizes that the key to “expert skin care” lies not in a miracle cream or mechanical contraption, but in the skin care “expert” performing the treatment. For more information on the facial rejuvenation skin treatments available at AYA Medical Spa visit their website or continue to read their blog.